Sunday, February 28, 2010

i was wrong to think a cowboy mouse was adorable

If you were ever a child in Latin America or grew up in a Latin American home, you've heard of Cri-Cri. He is the equivalent of Jiminy Cricket down south and sings about vowels, ugly dolls, and other hilarious topics enjoyed by Spanish-speaking children. My parents have home videos of me performing entire Cri-Cri tapes, so when I started teaching Spanish to the kiddies, I was so excited to relive this part of my childhood. With the convenience provided by YouTube, I immediately found an accompanying video for the song I wanted to use in my lesson. The song is about a cowboy mouse who gets locked up but can't do anything about it because he only speaks English and everyone around him speaks Spanish. A hilarious and adorable video, if you ask me.

Most kids seemed to share my sentiment and requested that next class, I play it again. Pleased with myself, I welcomed my last class of the day into my classroom, the older 4's.

I played the video and immediately after, a little hand shot up in the air.

"Yes Jordan?"

"Miss Kathy, have you heard of the National Rifle Association?"

Uhhh yeah...have you 4-year-old??

"Well Miss Kathy, I just think he should have those guns registered."

Oh okay, I'll have his permits faxed over to you.

Seriously, what??? I know my parents had adult conversations around me when I was this kid's age, but I never actually paid attention. I was too preoccupied with perfecting my popular girl handwriting or probably pasting Lisa Frank stickers to my walls. WHAT IS THIS?

For the record, I hate overpunctuation but these kids are making me break all my rules. I feel the only way to convey my emotions is by using more than one question mark. I'm sure I'll break some other rule shortly.

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